Jocelyn E. Roland, Ph.D., ABPP
Forensic and Clinical Psychologist
Board certified in Police and Public Safety Psychology


Dr. Roland is a licensed psychologist who is board certified in police and public safety with over 23 years of experience working with law enforcement, fire, probation, dispatch and non-sworn personnel and their agencies. She practices in all four domains of police and public safety psychology, and is therefore able to provide a wide variety of services to those working the front-line as well as executives and managers. A comprehensive knowledge base of this employment environment translates to an understanding of the intensity of the milieu and the stressors that are unique to this field of employment.
Attention to detail, expedient service, and a collaborative relationship with individuals and agencies has helped her to grow her practice, making her a leader in the central valley of California.
Currently, Dr. Roland contracts with over 60 public safety agencies in California offering Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluations, counseling and debriefing services, Peer Support groups, and various trainings for both staff and supervisors.

Typical services Dr. Roland provides:
Confidential Counseling
Critical Incident and Officer Involved Shooting Debriefings
Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluations
Wellness meetings
Educational trainings
Consultations for supervisors